Indian agriculture is
largely based on smallholder farmers; such farmers also make up for a large
proportion of undernourished people
worldwide. But by the use of Bt-cotton technology in Indian agriculture, the economy
has tended to bring about a change in the small holder farmers by contributing
to an increase in their earnings (
India stood to become the second largest producer of cotton lint in the world
by using the Bt- cotton technology, and is poised to become the largest
producer of cotton in the world soon, beating China! Such is the contribution
of this technology where small and medium holder farmers have also been immensely
benefited. If cotton lint is available cheap in India, it would someday become
the cheapest supplier of cotton garments to the world after it makes huge
improvements in textiles and related technologies.
The latest report on
“State of Food Insecurity in the World” mentions that about 842 million people
(implying 1 in every 8 people in the world) suffered from chronic hunger in
2011-2013 (
One-third of such people live in India (
The majority of these people live in the rural areas. The above figures are
indicative of serious challenges to be met to increase production in
agricultural sectors so as to enable increased income of rural poor. There is
no doubt therefore that innovation in agricultural technologies requiring the
use of new products and processes would play a key role in developing countries
to face such challenges of food shortage.
Seeds are the most
important contributors to agricultural productivities. The productivity of
seeds is mainly contributed by the genetic makeup of plant cultivars/seeds (
Use of modern biotechnology in agriculture to improve development of better
seeds is certainly therefore one option in the hands of people to mitigate food
shortage. The use of the tools of “modern biotechnology” provides insight for better
understanding for the selection and multiplication of elite cultivars of varied
Use of plant
tissue culture techniques for multiplication of clonal
elites, followed by hardening of such elites in poly-houses and net houses has
contributed to mass production of many plants of fruits and vegetables (; India
has been commercially using plant tissue culture techniques for the last two
decades after activities and facilities set up for mass multiplication of elite
plants by techniques of plant tissue culture were classified by the Indian
Government as an industrial activity. Using tissue culture-raised elite plants,
extensive increase in production of banana was possible. Banana cultivation is
carried out majorly by the small and medium-scale farmers, utilizing purchased
elite planting materials produced in tissue culture facilities. Banana occupies
a distinct place in the national as well as in the household economy of
Indians. Nutritionally, banana is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Cultivation of banana has provided a cash-income security to poor banana-growing
farmers because it provides almost continuous income flow throughout the year,
even under low input regimes (
By use of "molecular
marker-assisted” selection and combining this technique with “plant
tissue culture” it is possible to identify, isolate and propagate
stress-tolerant and highly productive cultivars. Using these techniques, several
new hybrids have been invented such as pearl millet (hybrid HHB67) (
and rice (Swarna-Sub1 paddy seeds) (, which
have contributed to increased production, benefitting a large number of small and medium land holders too, while making a
considerable contribution to the economy of the country as a whole.
But there is more to
it. By the application of genetically modified (GM) technology,
combined with plant tissue culture techniques and molecular marker-assisted selection,
the scope becomes enormously enhanced. The GM technology, according to Cartagena
Protocol on Bio-safety (,
is defined as the use of any “living modified organism” “that possesses a novel
combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern
biotechnology”. By utilizing the GM technology, combined with the other two
techniques, new GM plant cultivars and novel GM seeds can be developed. Using
these new materials, the output in agriculture is expected to leapfrogging in
progress as the integrated technology would provide benefits in several aspects
to tackle pests and diseases while concomitantly enabling the usage of best
cultivars for applications. Mother Nature has provided the varied genetic pool
in her creativities. Intelligent recombination can be made by human to develop better
combinations to benefit human kind. GM technology as is understood and
developed at the present time worldwide provides opportunities for such new
recombination although much requires to be understood about the technology. However,
the technique as is in the hands of human kind can be used partly by precise
knowledge and partly by empirically developed techniques to generate better
seeds and more productive cultivars. The technique nevertheless provides great
strength and opportunity to human for inventing new seeds and new plant
By utilizing GM
technology combined with plant tissue culture and molecular marker assisted
selection several countries have gone ahead to produce better seeds of cotton,
corn, canola, soybean, papaya, potato etc. and that some 29 counties worldwide
are being benefitted (
In India, only Bt cotton technology is being commercially used and certainly
more can be done.
Unfortunately, the use
of this technology package is dominated by debate in many parts of the world
especially in Europe even though the concerns have not yet been founded as
actual in practice anywhere in the environment or to human and animal health. In
India, by the use of Bt-cotton technology which is a GM technology, the country
has enormously been benefitted in every respect including increase in total
production, productivities and qualities of cotton lint as also in improving
the economic benefits of the small and medium farmers. This was possible by the
commitments and support of the Central and the State governments as also by partnerships/collaborations
among national and international seed companies. There are also support from a
wide section of the vocal public. But while the regulatory approval for the use
of other inputs for supporting increased production of cotton such as the use
of germ-plasms of elite cotton varieties and hybrids, fertilizers, electricity
and water were already in place and the concerned Central and the State
Ministries and their agencies were fully supportive to meet the needs of the
Indian cultivators, the regulatory approval for the use of Bt-cotton technology
was most crucial. After extensive
evaluation, this approval was accorded by the Central Government in March 2002.
Thus supports came about from all arms of the government and thereafter the
results were magnanimous. Without an all-round support from all quarters, the
results of Bt-cotton technology would not have been fructified in India.
It is believed that
this is also true for being benefitted from the application of GM technology to
tackle various stressful conditions in all other crops including cereals,
pulses, vegetables, fruits and fibers. There is an urgent need to increase
production and productivities in all such agricultural produce.
GM crops shall deliver
products that are either cheaper or are nutritionally better or are more
durable or can be grown is less friendly environment. GM crops can have
multiple of such benefits.
But to a section of the
vocal public, genetically modified crops technology is a controversy. This
situation has to be changed by scientific reasoning, societal will and
political desire if India wishes to address the food security and the broader
economic issues of becoming more prosperous as a country.
The good news is that
the National Committee on Bio-safety (NCB) in Bangladesh officially approved
field release of four varieties of Bt-brinjal in October 2013 (
Bangladesh became the first country in Asia to cultivate Bt-brinjal (egg plant),
a product of a GM technology. The plants and their parts including the fruits
of Bt-brinjal express Bt Cry1Ac protein and are therefore toxic to shoot
borers, a destructive pest of the fruit. By cultivating Bt-brinjal, the yield
of good qualities of eggplant is anticipated to substantially increase. It is
expected that this announcement of Bangladesh will go a long way in enabling to
adopt a whole range of GM technologies in many countries of the world and India
would not remain an exception.
The Indian Public
sector, which has contributed enormously to the developments in Indian agriculture,
has contributed very little in GM–crops technology front. There is no dedicated
Indian Public-Sector Institution for developing all aspects of GM–crops
It is suggested that the
new government, whoever may come, recognize the importance of GM technology and
announce about setting up of a dedicated
institution in the public sector, with a substantial outlay, to be spent
over a period of years with detailed application-oriented programs to generate
more basic understanding of GM-crop science and
technology. The aim in one word should be to develop “better seeds” by
application of modern biotechnology. Invention and innovations are the needs for
the country in this very important area of agriculture.